Qui sommes-nous ?
Is well-know that the process industry is a world in which both innovation and change represent the key-factors to succeed.
Born in the new millenium, LGM Engineering has always built with partners strong relationships of collaboration and support to provide the maximum service in terms of quality, professionalism, expertise and trust. LGM Engineering expertise is given by the solid technical heritage of knowledge, competencies and experiences matured in the industry by working with the major operators in the european and world automation scenario. Aiming for excellence, starting from customers’ needs is the best way to gain results. This mindset united with the dynamism in responding to market requests in the best way possible, make LGM Engineering service fit for each sector, from Oil & Gas to fire fighting and from marine industry to machine tools industry.
LGM Engineering product range is the wider within the market and counts on: electric actuators, Limit Switch Boxes, Solenoid Valves, Air Filter Regulators, Fittings, panels, Gas over oil specific equipment and Positioners and any engineering service such as panel creation scheme drawing in 2D and 3D and much more.
Want to know more? Visit www.lgmengineering.it/en and follow us on LinkedIN

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