H2O GmbH
Qui sommes-nous ?
Le traitement durable des eaux usées industrielles
» Notre mission est le traitement durable des rejets liquides industriels en vue d‘une production sans rejet liquide. Notre technologie de pointe et nos installations de distillation sous vide haut de gamme VACUDEST garantissent à nos clients un investissement sûr et une rentabilité sur le long terme. » Matthias Fickenscher, directeur de la société H2O GmbH.
Nos valeurs
Our values
As employers we take responsibility for people, society, the economy and the environment. We are aware of this particular responsibility and base our actions in management of our company on the following values.
Sustainability and Partnerships
Sustainable, cooperative, responsible thinking guides our actions.
For us, SUSTAINABILITY means accepting social, economical, and ecological responsibility. Our innovative products are used for the sustainable processing of industrial wastewater for zero wastewater manufacturing. With this, we make an active contribution to environmental protection and the conservation of resources. At the same time, our durable products are economic benefit that is expressed in effective cost savings. Our social engagement as a training partner includes the training and continuing education of our own technical specialists and managers, as well as the support we provide to local association and aid projects around the world. That's the reason why we are Alliance Partner from the sustainability initiative Blue Competence. By using the trademark “Blue Competence”, we commit ourselves to these twelve Sustainability Guidelines of the Mechanical Engineering Industry.