The HCC is a cooling device that allows the mixing of hot condensate with a lower temperature condensate, avoiding hammering. Condensate discharge from higher pressure lines (drip points, for instance) are often connected to low pressure condensate lines, with lower temperature. This sudden pressure drop will convert the sensible heat difference between the two fluid conditions into latent heat, generating flash steam. Flash steam has a much bigger volume than condensate and, when mixed with the cold condensate, it will cool suddenly, imploding and causing hammering (noise and vibration).
The HCC avoids this phenomenon, since it slowly cools down the hot condensate which circulates inside a coil, surrounded by cold condensate which circulates according to the thermo-siphon physical laws.
Carbon and stainless steel
Flanged EN PN16 or PN40
Flanged ASME Class 150 or 300
Others on request