Chambre d'essai de paillasse
avec lampe à arc au xénon

Chambre d'essai de paillasse - Sanwood Technology - avec lampe à arc au xénon
Chambre d'essai de paillasse - Sanwood Technology - avec lampe à arc au xénon
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de paillasse
Source lumineuse
avec lampe à arc au xénon


The xenon lamp weathering test chamber (hereinafter referred to as A-SUN) uses the xenon lamp as the light source to simulate the full spectrum of sunlight optimally, and controls the and humidity appropriately to generate precipitation on the sample periodically to obtain sunlight , moisture and temperature fully . It can make a result of damage effects for polymer materials(material aging includes fading, loss of light, strength reduction, cracking, flaking, chalking and oxidation, etc.). The light emitted by the xenon lamp can reproduce the effects of sunlight well, and the water spray system can reproduce the effects of rain .The radiation energy and temperature can be controlled throughout the test cycle.The typical test cycle is xenon lamp irradiation at high temperature and periodic rainfall usually.Typical applications is in paint coating, automotive industry, plastic products, wood products, glue, etc.



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Xenon Lamp Weathering Test Chamber

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