Tous les produits Guangdong Jian Qiao Testing Equipment Co.
Electrodynamic shaker

banc d'essai de vibration JQA-202-335
pour l'industrie automobile
pour laboratoire
pour l'aérospatiale
prix indicatif *
46 800 €
46 800 €
Temperature and Humidity Chamber
Thermal shock test chamber
Environmental stress screening chamber (ESS)
walk-in temperature and humidity chamber
Vibration test chamber
Temprature ,humidity ,low pressure ,vibration environmetal tester
Altitude chamber
High temperature aging room
New High and low temperature testing chamber
Precision high temperature test chamber
HALT/HASS(Highly accelerated life test and Highly accelerated stress screen
Waterproof/Dustproof/Salt spray testing chamber
Xenon lamp /UV aging testing chamber
Battery test series GB31241-2014
Battery test system GB31485-2015
Battery test system GB31467.3-2015
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